Love Happens
I samling

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HDD Film 1.8
Drama, Romantik
USA  /  Engelsk

Aaron Eckhart Burke
Jennifer Aniston Eloise Chandler
Dan Fogler Lane
John Carroll Lynch Walter
Martin Sheen Burke's Father-in-Law
Judy Greer Marty
Frances Conroy Eloise's Mom
Joe Anderson Tyler
Sasha Alexander Jessica
Clyde Kusatsu Cab Driver

Instruktør Brandon Camp
Producer J. Miles Dale; Alexa Faigen
Forfatter Brandon Camp; Mike Thompson

A widower whose book about coping with loss turns him into a best-selling self-help guru, falls for the hotel florist where his seminar is given, only to learn that he hasn't yet truly confronted his wife's passing.

Detaljer: Tekniske
Region Any Region
Antal DVD'er 1
Detaljer: Personlige
AnskaffelsesDato 27-11-2010
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