Nightmare On Elm Street Collection,The
I samling

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HDD Serier 1

DVD 1:
1: A Nightmare On Elm Street
DVD 2:
2: Freddys Revenge
DVD 3:
3: Dream Warriors
DVD 4:
4: The Dream Master
DVD 5:
5: The Dream Child
DVD 6:
6: Freddys Dead
DVD 7:
7: Wes Cravens New Nightmare
Gyser, Mysterie
USA  /  Engelsk

John Saxon Lt. Donald Thompson
Ronee Blakley Marge Thompson
Heather Langenkamp Nancy Thompson
Amanda Wyss Christina 'Tina' Gray
Jsu Garcia Rod Lane
Johnny Depp Glen Lantz
Charles Fleischer Dr. King
Joseph Whipp Sgt. Parker
Robert Englund Fred Krueger
Lin Shaye Teacher

Instruktør Wes Craven
Producer John Burrows; Stanley Dudelson
Forfatter Wes Craven

In the dreams of his victims, a spectral child murderer stalks the children of the members of the lynch mob that killed him.

Detaljer: Tekniske
Region Any Region
Antal DVD'er 7
Detaljer: Personlige
AnskaffelsesDato 18-04-2011
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